Kalpana Negi is an Indian-American writer living in the United States. She has a master’s degree in Creative Writing from the University of Edinburgh and an MFA from the University of Memphis, where she received the William and Martha Donigan Scholarship. During her time at the University of Memphis, she taught fiction and read for the literary magazine The Pinch. She has attended the Tin House Workshop, Lighthouse Writers Workshop’s Writing in Color Retreat, and the Kettle Pond Workshop where she worked with Rebecca Makkai, Kali Fajardo-Anstine, and Naomi Jackson. She is also a 2022 Asian Women Writers mentee.

Her stories have been shortlisted for fiction contests by The Chattahoochee Review, Third Coast, and Ruminate Magazine. She was also nominated for the AWP Intro Journal Awards and her short fiction has appeared in Tri Quarterly, Five Points, EVENT Poetry and Prose, and the University of Memphis Magazine among other journals. Her work was longlisted for the Wigleaf top 50 in 2023.

Kalpana is Senior Editor at The Adroit Journal.